

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

$7 Bag of Flour?

Is it true? Could I have bypassed this deal for so long? Yes, surely I have! For, oh I don't know, ever, I've been buying 5lb bags of flour at a local store for $3. Today, on our new quest to reduce debt and increase saving, I discovered a 25lb bag of bread flour (which is usually why I use flour) for just under $7 at Costco. Another reason to love that place. I was so excited, and still am, I just had to share my glee!

On another note, I was scouring my pantry (again) to make something sweet. I had already used up the last of my chocolate chips, so my wheels started turning. That's when I found, hiding way in the back, a thing of chocolate frosting. Ah ha! I have all the ingredients for yellow cake, sooooo... I whipped it all up using a recipe from my Betty Crocker cookbook. Since Ryan is afraid of cake that isn't chocolate I knew I had to use my wit to deceive my little one into thinking this chocolate cake is awesome! So here's what I did:

Yellow Cake Recipe:
2 1/2 cups flour
3 eggs
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/4 cups milk
1/2 tsp salt

 *And that's when my creativity set in: I added 1/2 cup of Biltmore's Raspberry Syrup and about 1/4 cup of black frosting (I had this from decorating a cake for Ryan's 1st birthday). This made the cake batter a deep purple. I baked it in a bunt pan for about 45 minutes at 375 degrees. I warmed up the chocolate frosting and poured it over the cake. Voila! "Chocolate Cake!" 

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