This is my little pirate-man. Dressed with a treasure map shirt and headband, he's ready to "parrrrty!"
Get it?!
The sails were simply made using Microsoft Paint. I just made blue stripes and printed it on paper, then stuck them on a small dowel rod. This cake was quite easy to make, despite my initial thoughts. How it was assembled below: I baked two 9x13 cakes. Once they were cooled, I stacked them on top of each other and cut out the shape of a boat. Then in the middle I cut out a piece to make the deck where Jake and Hook are standing. I then used that piece of cake to make the upper deck where the candle is sitting. I "glued" them all together with filling (icing) and then froze the cake so I could ice it. I put on one layer of chocolate icing, then froze it again for about 30 minutes so I could easily spread the top layer of icing. Being July, it gets warm and the cake and frosting try to stick to eac other. This makes for a cake that falls apart while I'm icing it, thus the freezing! Once I was done, I made yellow frosting using coloring and piped it onto the edges, I added the Life Savers, Rolos and chocolate Twizzlers. I then made blue frosting to pipe the water at the base of the boat...excuse me, ship! Once that was done I added the figurines and sails, and we were ready to parrrrrty!

In the end, all the kids got booty bags filled with plunder to take home. It was fun and I know my son loved it. I, too, had fun, but mostly in making the cake, which is something I love to do. My husband cannot even fathom a day where I go to a store and order a cake! (Shhhh, it will happen one day!).
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