I just love this Vineyard Bowl. Adding seasonal decorations makes it the centerpiece of my style.

As for Christmas, I can't wait to see to look on my child's face as he realizes that the "surprises," as he calls them, under the tree are ready to open! It is also special because it is my daughter's first Christmas. She will be 7 months old next week. Christmas is always a special time in our house. Not just because this is a time where traditions are passed along and family is celebrated, but because our house is a house that truly celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. We understand that His coming was our heavenly Father's way of bringing salvation to men. Christ's birth was the initiation of redemption. And for that, we celebrate. One of our Christmas traditions is that Santa brings ours kids a personal letter every year. Santa loves being the vessel for which to deliver presents under the tree, but he wants our children to understand the real meaning of his annual trip. He takes the time to explain that without Christ he would have no reason to bring his gifts. He explains how grace and mercy from God are the best gifts anyone could receive and that his fancy wrapping and shiny bows are just a symbol for the beauty that is beheld in Christ.

One day I hope my children will read back on all those letters Santa plans to bring and be able to relish the joy of the season. Yes, I want them to have great memories of all the glitter and fancy, the visits with family, the snow and hot chocolate...but I also pray that Christmas stirs in their hearts a love and thanksgiving for our greatest gift: Jesus Christ.
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