To view our online catalog, visit my website at www.biltmoreinspirations.com/bwassmer. Click on "Our Products", then "View Catalog". Saving is simple! Just choose your items, then call (904-923-0220) or email me (inspirationsbybmw@gmail.com) with your order during the listed times for Monday, November 28th and earn the discount for each time period. It's that simple! I will note the time of your email/call so I can make sure you’re qualified for that time period.
* 8:00am to 11:59am (MST) - "Just Another Manic Monday Special!"
Receive 25% off your entire order!
* 12:00 to 6:00 pm (MST) - "I’m Ready to Kick Off these Shoes Special!"
Receive 15% off your entire order!
* 6:01pm to 8:00pm (MST) - "After Dinner Drinks Special!"
Receive 20% off all of our Wine Cellar Products!
* 8:01pm to 11:59pm (MST) - "Late Night Snack Attack Special!"
Receive 20% off all of our chef-inspired food products!